
As its name implies, The Emerging Award is the Nebraska Safety Council’s award for companies who have begun to develop safety programs. The Emerging Award is presented to member companies who demonstrate that they are taking the steps to maintain a rate of 50% below their NAICS code for DART (Days Away, Restricted Time) and TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate) and established a Safety Committee’s!

The Emerging Award demonstrates that the company has demonstrated that they have a safety committee that is active and empowered to make change.

To be considered for the Emerging Award, companies must provide documentation and successfully demonstrate that they can maintain a DART and TRIR below the national average for the past two years of OSHA 300A logs. The company has established policies and procedures, as well as a commitment to safety through employee training and has established a Safety Committee that meets at least quarterly. Employees are encouraged to report near misses and make hazard corrections.