
G2LD-RGB-2.jpgGive to Lincoln Day is a giving day event that encourages you to contribute to Lincoln and Lancaster County nonprofit organizations between May 1-30, 2024. Give to Lincoln Day is coordinated by Lincoln Community Foundation, in partnership with local nonprofit organizations.

The Nebraska Safety Council is excited to participate in Give to Lincoln Day on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Our goal is to raise $5,000 this year!

You can save lives by participating in Give to Lincoln Day. NESC continues to adapt to an ever-changing business environment, and we need your help to re-launch training, update Drivers Education materials, and continue to provide our services now and in the future. You can help NESC provide FREE CPR/AED Training, pay for instructor training, migrate to a new CRM software, enhance the website platform and more.

  • $115 - You will train one person in First Aid/CPR/AED.
  • $100 - You will provide a single session for an employer to host a training on Addressing Emotional Wellbeing at the Workplace.
  • $80 - You will provide a free individual user license for one year to our online wellness portal.
  • $50 - You will cover an instructor's gas/mileage to host an off-site training.
  • $40 - You will provide Respirator FIT Testing for a medical professional or First Responder.


If you prefer to donate to a specific item, you can purchase an item from our Amazon Wishlist to support our mission. 
CLICK HERE to access the wishlist.